Important MCQS for Etea/Kmucat /different job test preparation

 When sugar is added to water, its boiling point:__________?

A. Increase✅

B. Decrease

C. Remain unchanged

D. None of the above

Who discovered that the earth was not the center of the universe?

A. Aristotle

B. Nicolaus Copernicus✅

C. Sir Isac Newton

D. None

Which Part of Human Eye can be donated?

A. Conjunctiva

B. Ratina 

C. Pupil

D. Cornea✅

The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is?

A. Oxygen

B. Carbon

C. Hydrogen

D. Nitrogen✅

Which is the biggest star in the Universe?

A. UY Scuti✅

B. Rigel

C. Canopus

D. Arcturus

The mean distance of the earth from the sun is astronomical units is____________?

A. 3.7 AU

B. 10 AU

C. 1 AU✅

D. 101 AU

The color of blood is red due to __________?

A. Haemoglobin✅

B. Neutrophils

C. Esinophils

D. Hematocrit

Of the six noble gases in the periodic table, which is the lightest?

A. Nitrogen

B. Hydrogen

C. Helium✅

D. Oxygen

Father of Homeopathy is__________?

A. Samuel Hahnemann✅

B. Robert Dover

C. Hakeem Suleman

D. Dr Anwaar Khan

Which Part of an egg contains Protein?

A. White ✅

B. Yellow

C. Shell

D. None of theseDon't Forget Me In Your Prayers...


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