MOST IMPORTANT CAPITALS and it's Currencies in Brackets 2023


*Currencies in Brackets*

⚪ Russia = Moscow *(Ruble)*

⚪ Canada= Ottawa *(Dollor)*

⚪ Hungry= Budapest *(Forint)*

⚪ Japan= Tokyo *(yen)*

⚪ Italy= Rome *(Euro)*

⚪ France = Paris (Euro)

⚪ USA= Washington *(Dollor)*

⚪ Germany= Berlin *(Deutsche mark)*

⚪ Pakistan = Islamabad *( Rupee)*

⚪ New Zealand = Wellington *( Dollor)*

⚪ England= London *(Pound)*

⚪ Australia = Canberra *(Dollor)*

⚪ China = Beijing *(Yaun)*

⚪ Qatar = Doha *(Riyal)*

⚪ Indonesia = Jakarta *(Rupiah)*

⚪ Malaysia = Kaula lampur *(Ringgit)*

⚪ Nepal = *Kathmandu*

⚪ Dubai = Abu Dhabi *(Dirham)*

⚪ Saudi = Riyadh *(Riyal)*

⚪ Iran = Tehran *(Riyal)*

⚪ Iraq = Baghdad *(Dinar)*

⚪ Turkey = Ankara *(Lira)*

⚪ South Africa = Cape Town *(Rand)*

⚪ Bangladesh = Dhaka *(Taka)*

⚪ Finland = Helsinki *(Euro)*

⚪ Greece = Athens *(Euro)*

⚪ Austria = Vienna *(Euro)*

⚪ Kenya = Nairobi *( Shilling)*

⚪ Israel = Jerosholam *(Sheqel)*

⚪ Palestine = Ramaullah 

⚪ Libya = Tripoli *(Dinar)*

⚪ Bhutan = Thimphu *(Franc)*

⚪ Oman = Mascot *(Dinar)*

⚪Afghanistan = Kabil *(Afghani)*

⚪ Italy = Rome *(Euro)*

⚪ Yemen = San'aa *( Riyal)*

⚪ Venezuela = Carcass *(Bolivar)*

⚪ Brazil = Brasilia *(real)*

⚪ Switzerland = Bern *(Swiss Franc)*

⚪ Spain = Madrid *(Euro)*

⚪ Thailand = Bangkok *(Baht)*

⚪ Sudan = Khartoum *(Sodani Pound)*

⚪ Norway = Olso *(Krone)*

⚪ Poland = Warsaw *( Zloty)*

⚪ Singapore = Singapore City *(Dollar)*

⚪ Mexico = Mexico City *(Peso)*

⚪ Chile = Santiago *(Rupee)*

⚪ Cuba = Havana *(Rupee)*

⚪ Ireland = Dublin *(Euro)*

⚪ Zimbabwe = Harare *( Dollar)*

⚪ Kuwait = Kuwait City *( Dinar)*

⚪ Jordon = Aman *( Dinar)*

⚪ Kazakhstan = Astana *(Tenge)*

⚪ Kyrgyzstan = Bishkek *(Som)*

⚪ Tajikistan = Dushanbe *(Ruble)*

⚪ Philippines = Manila *(Peso)*

⚪ Iceland = Reykjavik *(Krona)*

⚪ Syria = Damascus *(Pound)*

⚪ South Korea = Seoul *(Won)*

⚪ Sri Lanka = Colombo *(Rupee)*

⚪ Nigeria = Abuja *(Naira)*

⚪ North Korea = Pyongyang *(Won)*

⚪ Panama = Panama City *(Balboa)*

⚪ Denmark = Copenhagen *(Krone)*

⚪ Belgium = Brussels sprouts.


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