Some important MEASURING Tools


1. *Pressure:* Barometer 

2. *Voltage:* Voltmeter 

3. *Purity Of Milk:* Lactometer 

4. *Temperature:* Thermometer 

5. *Velocity Of Wind:* Anemometer 

6. *Earthquake:* Richter Scale 

7. *Degree Of Humidity:* Hygrometer 

8. *Blood Pressure:* Sphygmomanometer 

9. *Radioactivity:* Geiger Counter 

10. *High Temperature:* Pyrometer 

11. *Rainfall:*

Rain Guage 

12. *Earthquake Recording:* Seismograph 

13. *Electric current:* Ammeter 

14. *Altitude:* Altimeter 

15. *Velocity And Direction Of Wind:* Anemometer 

16. *Sensitivity Of Skin*: Algeismeter 

17 *AtmosphericPressure:* Aneriodograph/Barometer 

18. *Improvement Of Hearing Power* Audiometer 

19. *Quantity Of Heat*: Calorimeter 

20. *Intensities Of Colours*: Colorimeter 

21. *Longitude Of Vessel Over Sea*: Chronometer 

22. *Detection Of Electric Charge*: Electroscope 

23. *Voltage Difference*: Electrometer 

24. *Depth Of The Ocean*: Fathometer 

25. *Small Electric Current*: Galvanometer 

26. *Relative Density of Liquids*: Hydrometer 

27. *Change In Atmospheric Humidity*: Hygroscope 

28. *Detection And Measurement Of Light*: Photoelectric Cell 

29. *Salinity Of Water*: Salinometer 

30. *Spectrum Analysis*: Spectroscope.


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